nutritional counseling

Chalkboard image on food representing PBC's dietary and nutritional counseling.

Nutritional Counseling offers an individualized approach to exploring your relationship with food and helping you find balance.  Our clinicians provide a supportive, non-judgmental space to allow clients to be open and honest allowing long-term sustainable changes.

Our clinicians will work with you to understand your nutrient needs, barriers, and goals for moving toward a healthy balance around food.  This includes nutrition counseling from a non-diet, weight-neutral approach to help changes become sustainable.  Benefits of this approach can include increased energy levels, decreased fear and anxiety around food, improvement in digestive symptoms, and body acceptance.

Often nutrition counseling will be in conjunction with cognitive behavior therapy and dialectal behavior therapy to help you identify unhelpful thought patterns around food, be more aware and present in your relationship with food and incorporate skills in making sustainable changes toward your goals.  In nutrition counseling, your clinician will often work with other members of your team as indicated including your psychotherapist and physicians to help provide you with optimum, holistic care.

Our nutrition counselors can provide support in the following conditions and more:

  • Eating disorders and disordered eating
  • Digestive concerns
  • Fear and anxiety around food
  • Body image
  • Meal planning and grocery shopping
  • Incorporating cooking and new recipes
  • Identifying and honoring hunger and fullness
  • Emotional eating
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • Overall health and well-being
  • More

Whether engaging in Nutritional Counseling by itself or complementing it with other PBC counseling services, finding one’s personal balance and improving quality of life is a continuous and focused effort.  Refinements to personal goals, constant exploration and learning of self and skills for managing everyday challenges is a life-long pursuit.

Personal Balance Counseling’s mission is to help people find their personal balance!